Holy Week 3: The Last Supper

When it was evening, he came with the twelve. And when they had taken their places and were eating, Jesus said, ‘Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me, one who is eating with me…

Mark 14:17-18

‘The Last Supper’, Duccio (1308)

‘The Last Supper’, Leonardo da Vinci (1495)

‘The Last Supper’, William Blake (1799)

‘Jesus Washing Peter’s Feet’, Ford Madox Brown (1856)

'The Last Supper', Sadao Watanabe (1977)

‘The Last Supper’, Sadao Watanabe (1977)

'The Last Supper', Hanna Cheriyan-Varghese

‘The Last Supper’, Hanna Cheriyan-Varghese

‘Ceia do Senhor (Lord’s Supper)’, Rubem Zevallos Técnica